sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Working together

After listening and watching the presentation of the three work group in class, it is clear that each work group have worked in order to give an engaging and entertaining presentation. The members of the group seem to feel comfortable and confident about their presentation. Most of them have looked at every person in the classroom at least once while they are talking about each topic. The audience has been engaged and they have participated all the time. Each group have different ways of preparing the material to use in the presentation, but most of them have worked using clear and appriopate vocabulary, pictures and also listening activities to give examples of the topic. In my opinion giving a good presentation is about more than what people say; it is also about how people say it. Confidence is the key to this. In an informative presentation, the audience learns about a new subject or learns something new about a familiar subject. In my opinion we learn a lot about the four skills of English in a different way.

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