domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

“You decide what to eat”

                                            “You decide what to eat” 
                      Language and written expression IV
                                                       Tiva Roxana Karina 
                                         Teacher: Stella Maris Saubidet Oyhamburu
                                                                 I.S.F.D 41
 Food sovereignty is a movement growing from the bottom up, from the farmers, fishers, indigenous peoples and landless workers most impacted by global hunger and poverty. Food Sovereignty includes the true right to food and to produce food. It has grown into a powerful movement that will lead to more just and ecological food and farming systems, new democratic decision-making in governments and new international market cooperation aimed at fair prices for farmers. First framed
 the international
 peasant movement La Via Campesina at the World Food Summit in 1996, food sovereignty is rooted in the ongoing global struggles over control of food, land, water, and livelihoods. A central struggle and rally of food sovereignty is born out of the fundamental ‘right to have rights.’ Food security and food sovereignty, although often used interchangeably, are considerably different concepts. The notion of food sovereignty is supported in the refusal of farmers, peasants and other food producers and civic organizations to see their domestic food markets subject to the vagaries of international market forces. It is now an increasingly used concept in the development debate seeking more control over food production, trade, and consumption.
Via Campesina describes itself as "an international movement which coordinates peasant organizations of small and middle-scale producers, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe". It is a coalition of over 148 organizations, advocating family-farm-based sustainable agriculture and was the group that first coined the term "food sovereignty". Food sovereignty refers to the right to produce food on one's own territory. Via Campesina has carried out several campaigns including a campaign to defend farmer's seeds, a campaign to stop violence against women, a campaign for the recognition of the rights of peasants, a Global Campaign for agrarian reform, and others. La Via Campesina has been developing a new concept of agrarian reform that recognizes the socio-environmental aspects of land, the sea and natural resources, in the context of food sovereignty. Integral agrarian reform encompasses policies of redistribution, just, equitable access and control of natural, social and productive resources.
Political efforts to advance food sovereingty are rooted in the inherent rights that all peasants, farmers , men and women posses, as defined in the Declaration of the Rights of Peasants: right to life and to an adequate standard of living, right to land and territory, right to seeds and traditional agricultural knowledge and practice, right to means of agricultural production, right to determine price and market for agricultural production, right information and agriculture technology, right biological diversity, right to preserve the enviroment, freedoms of association, opinion and expression and right to have access to justice.
Food sovereingnty is different from food security in both approach and politics. Food distinguish where food comes from, or the conditions under which it is produced and distributed. National food security targets are often met by sourcing food produced under environmentally destructive and exploitative conditions, and supported by subsidies and policies that destroy local food producers but benefit agribusiness corporations.
Food sovereignty emphasizes ecologically appropriate production, distribution and consumption, social-economic justice and local food systems as ways to tackle hunger and poverty and guarantee sustainable food security for all peoples. It advocates trade and investment that serve the collective aspirations of society. It promotes community control of productive resources; agrarian reform and tenure security for small-scale producers; agro-ecology; biodiversity; local knowledge; the rights of peasants, women, indigenous peoples and workers; social protection and climate justice.
Works cited

Wikipedia the free enciclopedia, Food Sovereignty. Retrieved on 30th. October  2014 from


Amber Attalla, September 12th 2012, Coffee Kids, Food Sovereignty vs. Food Security: Is there a difference?. Retrieved on 29th. October  2014 from


From food Security to Food Sovereignty, Civil Eats. Retrieved on 30th. October  2014



Antonio Roman-Alcalá, May 31st 2013, Grass roots International, From food Security to Food Sovereignty. Retrieved on 30th. October  2014 from 


Wikipedia the free enciclopedia, Via Campesina, Retrieved on 30th. October  2014 from


War on Want, Food Sovereignty. Retrieved on 29th. October  2014 from


Glopolis, Food Sovereignty as a way to achieve food security. Retrieved on 29th. October  2014


La Via Campesina.Research and support for innovation must be at the service of an agricultural model and food system that is healthy, sustainable and socially fair, Wednesday, 29 October 2014. Retrieved on 30th. October  2014 from



martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

"The power of music"

The power of music
 Language and written expression IV 
 Tiva Roxana 
 Teacher: Stella Maris Saubidet Oyhamburu 
 I.S.F.D 41
Daniel Barenboim was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1942 into a Russian Jewish family, was a piano prodigy who first made his name in the 1960s as a performer of the classical keyboard repertory. He has served as music director of several major symphonic and operatic orchestras and made numerous recordings. Daniel Barenboim and his orchestra of Middle Eastern musicians were in a concert designed to promote peace between Israel and Palestine. Simply the most stunning and amazing way of how music can change the world – this is the power of music.

 In the first place the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra is multi-ethnic ensemble composed of young musicians from Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, and Spain. It was founded in 1999 by Barenboim and the late Palestinian-American scholar Edward Said in order to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians and also to campaign for the peaceful and fair resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict."The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra is very sensitive to the situation in Middle East" he said in a statement before the concert. "The musicians have relatives on both sides, the sides that are killing each other and, despite this cruel war, there is no Arabic or Israeli musician who has canceled his participation in this concert for peace." This is also a gesture to Argentina.

 In addition, Barenboim is an outspoken critic of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, but rather than take up politicial activism in a typical sense, the pianist has found means to debate the meaning of democracy and cultural identity through music. Moreover Barenboim and Palestinian literary scholar Edward Said set up the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, which brings together young musicians from Israel and the Arab countries every summer with the aim of enabling a dialogue between cultures and promoting this through the experience of making music. Barenboim has also initiated a project for music education in the Palestinian territories, which includes the foundation of a music kindergarten as well as a Palestinian youth orchestra.

 However a society’s comfort is a reflection of all its citizens, and must be addressed so as to assure that each one of them is considered. Like an orchestra, a city is made up of multiple parts. In order for the music of the city to be fluid and successful, each member of its ensemble needs to be focused, healthy, and part of the process. Without a voice from everyone, something is lost from the composition of a city. It cannot be denied that when a city is in kaos, pounded with heavy artillery, mortars and air strikes sending up columns of thick, black smoke. When there are chaotic scenes as thousands of local people tried to flee. Battles erupted between troops and militants in the streets. Families have squeezed into rented apartments, however, they spend much of the day camped by the remains of their home. It is too difficult to think that music can mend people soul.

 On balance, Daniel Barenboim, who holds both Israeli and Palestinian passports, commended his native Argentina, which he said taught him that people of different backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities can all live in harmony."I want to say to you that I grew up in Argentina, and some lessons remain inside me. I learned here that you can be Jewish, Polish, German, Syrian, Turk, and there is no problem here about multiple identities. You can be any of this and also an Argentinian," he told the audiences. In the face of adversity and in the toughest of circumstances, music can lift the human spirit and bring people together like no other force on the planet. “I truly believe that music can be considered a lesson for life and for cities”, he said. To sum up I firmly believe that music can help people heart and soul because to many people in many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life.

 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato

 Works cited, Thursday, August 14, 2014. Israeli, Palestinian musicians play “peace concert”. Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from

 Elspeth Black,The culture trip. Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said’s West-Eastern Divan Orchestra Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from 

  BMW GUGGENHEIM LAB. Daniel Barenboim. Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from

 Knell, Yolande. BBC NEWS, 15 September 2014. Gaza: Life amid the rubble. Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from 

 Kyle Macdonald, 11th August 2014. Classic Fm. Daniel Barenboim conducts Israeli/ Palestine peace concert. Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from

 Daniel Borenboim. Retrieved on 30th. September 2014 from

Sorry, Mates but I´m still working on my essay, my little baby has a rash viral.

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Working together

After listening and watching the presentation of the three work group in class, it is clear that each work group have worked in order to give an engaging and entertaining presentation. The members of the group seem to feel comfortable and confident about their presentation. Most of them have looked at every person in the classroom at least once while they are talking about each topic. The audience has been engaged and they have participated all the time. Each group have different ways of preparing the material to use in the presentation, but most of them have worked using clear and appriopate vocabulary, pictures and also listening activities to give examples of the topic. In my opinion giving a good presentation is about more than what people say; it is also about how people say it. Confidence is the key to this. In an informative presentation, the audience learns about a new subject or learns something new about a familiar subject. In my opinion we learn a lot about the four skills of English in a different way.

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Women in chains

Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. During World War II, the Japanese established military brothels in countries they occupied. Women, many from occupied countries including Korea, China, and the Philippines, were forced to provide sexual services to personnel in the Japanese Imperial Army. In Argentina, prostitution itself is legal, but organized prostitution that means brothels, prostitution rings, pimping is illegal. The Imperial Japanese Army forced the women into sexual slavery. Euphemistically known as “comfort women,” they were taken to ‘comfort stations’ throughout the Pacific, including then East Timor and the Solomon Islands. In Argentina women are called prostitutes, sex workers or street walkers. Like any other large city, there is no lack of brothels, swinger clubs and seedy joints in Buenos Aires. Prostitution is, for the most part, legal here and is advertised subtly. There is a loose law that requires streetwalkers to stay at least 100 meters from private residences. As a result, most prostitution solicitation takes place within brothels and strip clubs. Comfort women were kept for months or years on end, and while most were under the age of 20, some were as young as 12. For many, the comfort stations were their first sexual experience, and many are infertile as a result of their enslavement. Many child protitutes in Argentina are trafficked to urban centres from rural areas or are trafficked from neighboring countries. Generally women from poorer provinces or countries come to Buenos Aires looking for job. Desperately they look for the wrong job and they start working at strip clubs, brothels or as a street workers. The cause for the existence of prostitution is going to continue in order to satisfy the male demand for buying sexual access to women’s bodies, which is the primary reason that prostitution exists.” 

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014


El día SÁBADO 2 de AGOSTO, de 10 a 16 Hs. se estará llevando a cabo la segunda colecta del año a beneficio de los camperitos! Si siempre quisiste colaborar, o acercar tu donación, llegó tu oportunidad! 
Acercate a cualquiera de los puntos y compartí una jornada llena de amor y solidaridad… Te vamos a estar esperando! 

Mandanos un mail a y sumate para dar una mano ese día! 

Hace click en compartir!!! 

Te dejamos el link del evento:

Los puntos son los siguientes: 
*Capital Federal: Plaza Barrancas de Belgrano (Esquina Sucre y 11 de septiembre).
Plaza Colombia de Barracas (Esquina Av. Montes de Oca y Brandsen). 
*San Isidro: Plaza Marquez (Esquina Santa Fe y Bernabé Márquez).
*Bella Vista: Plaza Sourdeaux (Entre Córdoba, Andrade y Schweizter). 
*Ramos Mejía: Plaza Mitre (Pueyrredón al 100). 
*Lomas de Zamora: Plaza Griguera (Hipólito Yrigoyen 8700). 
*Quilmes: Plaza del Bicentenario (Lavalle, Moreno, Conesa y Colón). 



lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Summary: What is “Academic Writing”



Research done on college writers recongnized that whether students produced a successful piece of writing, the results of the experiment greatly depend on the quality of their representation of the writing task. Most people as they start college have weird ideas about what they are doing when they write an essay or they have unclear idea at all. Some writers believe they must follow certain steps in a particular order to write correctly. Writers understand much of what they want to write as they write it. We put pragmatic expectations on the first drafts, either by focusing too much on the impossible task of making them perfect , or by making too little effort because we don`t care or know about their  inexorable problems. You can improve as a writer with effort and study. When people say “I can`t write”, what they often mean is they have problems with grammatical correctness. Writing, however, is about more than just grammatical correctness. Good writing is a matter of achieving your desired effect upon an intended audience. With an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion, the five paragraph essay is a pattern a writer should know, but one which you will outgrow. Avoid using “I” for example in a lab report, much college writing can be done in a middle, semi-formal style where it is ok to use “I”. The biggest problem which has seen in writers who writers for the first time is a poor sense of writing situation in general. In writing we are confined within the two-dimensional setting of the flat page. Separated from our audience in place and time, we imaginatively have to create this context. Our words on the page are silent, so we must use punctuation and word choice to communicate our tone. Developing your writer`s sense about communicating within the writing situation is the most important thing you should learn in composition. Writing in college is a quite specialized writing situation, and it has developed its own codes and conventions that you need to have a keen awareness of if you are going to write successfully in college. The audience is primarily the professor and possibly your classmates.The occasion or context is an assignment given by the teacher within a learning context and designed to have you learn and demonstrate your learning. The message will be you learning or the interpretation gained from your  study if the subject matter.The purpose show your learning and get a good grade.The documents genres used is the essay. Academic writing is always a form of evaluation that asks you to demonstrate knowledge and show proficiency with certain disciplinary skills of thinking, interpreting, and presenting . To be successful  in this kind of writing, you must be completely aware of what the professor expects you to do and accomplish with that particular writing task. College will require the writer to search for and find more in-depth information. Researching is also a process, so you`ll need to learn how to focus and direct a research project and how to keep track of all your source information. College writing typically asks you to write on unfamiliar topics. Academic writing is an argument. We have to take into consideration two importance things about academic argument: the value of an organized presentation of your case and  the crucial element of strong evidence. Academic writing is an analysis which involves doing three things: engage in an open inquiry where the answer is not known at first,  identify meaningful parts of the subject and examine these separate parts and determine how they relate to each other.
There are three different types of college writing assignment: the closed writing assignment: present you two counter claims and ask you to determine from your  own analysis the more valid claim. They resemble yes-no questions, the semi –open writing assignment: this kind of writing assignment resembles a kind of archeological dig. Despite using key words in the assignment  such as “ explain”, “illustrate” ,“analyse”, “ discuss” or “show how”, these topics still ask you to make an argument and the open writing assignment: these kinds of writing assignments require you decide both your writing topic and you claim. This kind of writing assignment resembles riding a bike without the training wheels on. Picking and limiting a writing topic is a challenge: looking for gaps, puzzling items, things that confuse you, or connections you see. Whatever topic  you choose, state it as a clear and interesting question. We have to mention three characteristics of academic writing: clear evidence in writing that the writers have been persistent, open-minded, and disciplined in study, the dominance of reason over emotions or sensual perception and an imagined reader who is cooly rational, reading for information, and intending to formulate a reasoned response. The pattern of the academic essay must contain the characteristics of a critical essay. Critical is not used in the sense of “to critize” as in find fault with. Instead “critical” is used in the same way “critical thinking” is used. A synomyn might be “ interpretive or analytical.
1.      It is an argument, persuasion essay that in its broadest sense makes a point and supports it.
2.      The point of a critical essay is interpretive in nature.
3.      Organization : the critical essay should have a clear introduction, body,and conclusion.
4.      Support: the primary source for support in the critical essay is from the text. The text is the authority, so using quotations is required.
5.      A critical essay will always “document its sources, distinguishing the use of outside information used inside your text and clarifying where that information came from.
6.      Whenever the author moves from one main point to the next, the author needs to clearly signal to the reader that this movement is happening.
7.      A critical essay is put into an academic essay format such as the MLA or APA document format.
8.      Grammatical correctness: your essay should have few if any grammatical problems.
Your success with academic writing depends upon how you approach the writing task. Knowing what you need to do it`s guaranteed that it will be a success.

sábado, 14 de junio de 2014

Just married....


It's hard for me to say the things
I want to say sometimes
There's no one here but you and me
And that broken old street light
Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words when I

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me

I never knew I had a dream
Until that dream was you
When I look into your eyes
The sky's a different blue
Cross my heart
I wear no disguise
If I tried, you'd make believe
That you believed my lies

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
For parting my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me

Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words when I

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

When I couldn't fly
Oh, you gave me wings
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Working Women and Reason for Students' Failure


Women think and act alike in most cases regarding work and family. They think that work and family are equally important to invest their time and effort. To cite an example, the author of Harry Potter books-Joanne Kathleen Rowling-first thought of the book when she was on a train between London and Manchester and she had no money, no job and a baby daughter to raise. It took her five years to finish the book, but she loved writing and didn’t give up. There are many examples of working women sharing time at work and home. They have to work for long hours, and the most common cause is that they need the money. Once upon a time, a long time ago, women had to do the household chores and take care of their children and wait for their husbands to come back from work; there was a time when husbands were the breadwinners. As society ‘develops’-one of the main causes of working women was world war I- women were obliged to work, there was no choice because their husbands were in the middle of the fight. From that moment, women became heroines, apart from taking care of the house and children, they had to work. At the beginning, they have to work in factories, handle heavy machines, etc. Nowadays they can work from home in some cases, or at the office, kind of ‘frendlier’ jobs but for a very long time their salaries were very poor compared with men’s.  Later, as time went by, men were no longer the breadwinners, and women almost shared income in a fifty percent with men. Women had to learn how to cope with family and work. To sum up, working women is now an accepted concept, and they also have Internet blogs and sites were they can ask advice on how to deal with home and work and share experiences. 


                 One of the priorities of research in education is study the causes of students failure during their school work. To begin with, there are many reasons why students can fail and we seem to always want to find someone or something to blame.The first thing to be considered is the lack of motivation that is to say a student who does not realize why they need to succeed, will not succeed. It is a fact that some children need some kind of motivation to help them through school. If they do not have motivation, they fail. There is not doubt that peer relationship can cause changes in the students behaviour. A parent needs to monitor their child´s friends all the way through primary and secondary school as well. We believe that if students are not at school, they cannot learn that is to say attendance is another important reason to consider about. In addition many of the students who attend schools, they do not like it, they do not practice their homework or study due to cheating or copying. They are caught cheating by their teachers many times. Another reason is their parent involvement, if parents are aware of the school and teacher expectations and can enforce hard and solid work habits at home, the students will be successful. With parent support students have more opportunities to succeed.
In addition organization is essential to order daily activities at school. Students who have not an agenda or have a messy schoolbag are signs that students are not active in their education. In conclusion  the causes of students failure have different reasons and it becomes necessary to determine the factors of these reasons  to find out the solutions to improve the students school life and their problems.



viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

What is a well-written paragraph like?


Structure of a well written Paragraph  

Parts of a paragraph

  • The topic sentence
It states what you are writing about, what your subject is, which formula is followed to write an effective topic sentence.
  • The body
Supporting details and supporting arguments for your topic sentence.
  • The closing sentence
Remind the audience what you are writing about; keep them thinking. Restate the topic sentence but in a different way.

Writing skills

To write a very clear paragraph you have to follow some rules:
  • Indent that is to set in or back from the margin, as the first line of a paragraph or skip a line. Do not use both of them. This rule has to do with the way the paragraph looks.
  • One central idea in one paragraph.
  • All other ideas come after the thesis statement. They must directly relate to the main topic.
  • The length of the paragraph could be different.
  • It is important to have lots of details. These details should explain why the topic is important to the overall idea of the essay. The reasons and the examples support what you are saying about the topic sentence.
  • Use bridges. One idea in a sentence must be connected to the next one and this to the next. It creates flow.
  • Key terms are used when you have to write about something specific. They can be used as many times as you need to but avoid repetition of words.
  • End the paragraph with a very clear statement that the idea finish.

Introduction to the academic writing

Types of assignments
  • essays
  • reports
  • presentations
  • reflective pieces
  • summaries
  • annotated bibliographies

Steps to a successful writing
  • what's expected of you
  • read your Module Handbook
  • check the learning outcomes.
  • Pay attention to titles.

Effective assignment
  • try to include everything you have learned of the topic.
  • make a plan.
  • have the title in front of your work.
  • look for writing fluency.
  • link sentences.
  • leave it and re-read it later
  • make several drafts and edit
  • read it aloud
  • be objective about arguments


  • do not feel overwhelmed by academic writing

  • take it as a process of learning

                              Works cited

Engvid, Parts of a paragrapf- English Academic Introduction, Retrieved from

Engvid, Writing Skills, The paragraph, Retrieved from

Edge Hill University, Introduction to Academic Writing, Retrieved from

                                                                                                                 Andrada, Gustavo
                                                                                                                 Areco, Yesica
                                                                                                                 Tiva, Roxana Karina