jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Women in chains


Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. During World War II, the Japanese established military brothels in countries they occupied. Women, many from occupied countries including Korea, China, and the Philippines, were forced to provide sexual services to personnel in the Japanese Imperial Army. In Argentina, prostitution itself is legal, but organized prostitution that means brothels, prostitution rings, pimping is illegal. The Imperial Japanese Army forced the women into sexual slavery. Euphemistically known as “comfort women,” they were taken to ‘comfort stations’ throughout the Pacific, including then East Timor and the Solomon Islands. In Argentina women are called prostitutes, sex workers or street walkers. Like any other large city, there is no lack of brothels, swinger clubs and seedy joints in Buenos Aires. Prostitution is, for the most part, legal here and is advertised subtly. There is a loose law that requires streetwalkers to stay at least 100 meters from private residences. As a result, most prostitution solicitation takes place within brothels and strip clubs. Comfort women were kept for months or years on end, and while most were under the age of 20, some were as young as 12. For many, the comfort stations were their first sexual experience, and many are infertile as a result of their enslavement. Many child protitutes in Argentina are trafficked to urban centres from rural areas or are trafficked from neighboring countries. Generally women from poorer provinces or countries come to Buenos Aires looking for job. Desperately they look for the wrong job and they start working at strip clubs, brothels or as a street workers. The cause for the existence of prostitution is going to continue in order to satisfy the male demand for buying sexual access to women’s bodies, which is the primary reason that prostitution exists.” 

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014


El día SÁBADO 2 de AGOSTO, de 10 a 16 Hs. se estará llevando a cabo la segunda colecta del año a beneficio de los camperitos! Si siempre quisiste colaborar, o acercar tu donación, llegó tu oportunidad! 
Acercate a cualquiera de los puntos y compartí una jornada llena de amor y solidaridad… Te vamos a estar esperando! 

Mandanos un mail a donacionesalcampito@gmail.com y sumate para dar una mano ese día! 

Hace click en compartir!!! 

Te dejamos el link del evento: https://www.facebook.com/events/1521148198104054/

Los puntos son los siguientes: 
*Capital Federal: Plaza Barrancas de Belgrano (Esquina Sucre y 11 de septiembre).
Plaza Colombia de Barracas (Esquina Av. Montes de Oca y Brandsen). 
*San Isidro: Plaza Marquez (Esquina Santa Fe y Bernabé Márquez).
*Bella Vista: Plaza Sourdeaux (Entre Córdoba, Andrade y Schweizter). 
*Ramos Mejía: Plaza Mitre (Pueyrredón al 100). 
*Lomas de Zamora: Plaza Griguera (Hipólito Yrigoyen 8700). 
*Quilmes: Plaza del Bicentenario (Lavalle, Moreno, Conesa y Colón). 

Info: donacionesalcampito@gmail.com 
