viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

What is a well-written paragraph like?


Structure of a well written Paragraph  

Parts of a paragraph

  • The topic sentence
It states what you are writing about, what your subject is, which formula is followed to write an effective topic sentence.
  • The body
Supporting details and supporting arguments for your topic sentence.
  • The closing sentence
Remind the audience what you are writing about; keep them thinking. Restate the topic sentence but in a different way.

Writing skills

To write a very clear paragraph you have to follow some rules:
  • Indent that is to set in or back from the margin, as the first line of a paragraph or skip a line. Do not use both of them. This rule has to do with the way the paragraph looks.
  • One central idea in one paragraph.
  • All other ideas come after the thesis statement. They must directly relate to the main topic.
  • The length of the paragraph could be different.
  • It is important to have lots of details. These details should explain why the topic is important to the overall idea of the essay. The reasons and the examples support what you are saying about the topic sentence.
  • Use bridges. One idea in a sentence must be connected to the next one and this to the next. It creates flow.
  • Key terms are used when you have to write about something specific. They can be used as many times as you need to but avoid repetition of words.
  • End the paragraph with a very clear statement that the idea finish.

Introduction to the academic writing

Types of assignments
  • essays
  • reports
  • presentations
  • reflective pieces
  • summaries
  • annotated bibliographies

Steps to a successful writing
  • what's expected of you
  • read your Module Handbook
  • check the learning outcomes.
  • Pay attention to titles.

Effective assignment
  • try to include everything you have learned of the topic.
  • make a plan.
  • have the title in front of your work.
  • look for writing fluency.
  • link sentences.
  • leave it and re-read it later
  • make several drafts and edit
  • read it aloud
  • be objective about arguments


  • do not feel overwhelmed by academic writing

  • take it as a process of learning

                              Works cited

Engvid, Parts of a paragrapf- English Academic Introduction, Retrieved from

Engvid, Writing Skills, The paragraph, Retrieved from

Edge Hill University, Introduction to Academic Writing, Retrieved from

                                                                                                                 Andrada, Gustavo
                                                                                                                 Areco, Yesica
                                                                                                                 Tiva, Roxana Karina

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Metacognitive analysis of my first writing: " Writers and Writing are a must"

Writers and writings are a must

To begin with,writings are supposed to be done by writers. By definition writing is a piece of work on a sheet of paper which says something about something or someone. On the other hand the writer is the person who writes this piece of work so if there isn´t a writer, there won´t be writing, they go together and they need each other. The writer is connected in body and mind with the main idea of the writing because he or she is expressing his or her thoughts on a sheet of paper. Writing and writers share the same love for Literature.

Metacognitive analysis of my first writing" Writers and Writing are a must"

Writing is a fluid process created by writers as they work. I found this sentence very interesting to start with the process of correcting and checking my first writing. I haven´t written a piece of work for a long time so it is difficult to me to try out to do it. First of all, I haven´t considered the stages of writing so it is not clear enough the purpose. First of all when we want to write about something, we have to think about some questions for the very beginning, what I want to say, how I want to say it, who the reader will be, what I need to know to begin and who I can talk to about my ideas. This stage is called Prewriting. When all these questions are answered in your head, you can put into practise and you can start writing According to the theory, I do not think about these questions to write about writing and writers. Once I have chosen the most important point of my paragraph, I must find the best way to tell my readers about it. After organizing my facts and ideas, it´s time to write down the ideas in an organized way by using notes and the plan I have done in the first stage in order to develop the topic.This is the Drafting stage. Then before writing I have to alter, modify, add or delete content, reorganize the message and clarify, according to what has been written in the draft in order to revise everything.That's called Revising stage. After that if you are satisfied, you can start with the process of Editing which focuses on the sentence level. It involves questioning and analyzing sentences.Finally you can publish it that means is the process of production and diffusion.The final writing is shared with a group of people who will enjoy reading. Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copy editing, graphic design, production, printing and marketing and distribution. It can even be published online.


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